The Impact of Lavandula officinalis essential oil on growth performance and hematology of common carp (C.carpio)
Essential oil, Hematological, Biochemical, Lavendar, Common carp.Abstract
Effects of lavender essential oil (LEO) on the growth, haematology and biology of common carp was investigated. A total of 108 healthy fishes were distributed into 12 plastic tanks to four treatments in triplicate. The fish were fed a diet consisting of 0, 1 ml, 2 and 4 ml/kg of LEO for 60 days. Results showed that WG and SGR significantly were increased at the different levels of LEO (p < .05). The highest of WG was found in (T4) and 4 ml/kg of LEO and SGR was found in (T3) 2 ml/kg of LEO of LEO. In contrast, FCR was decreased with increasing of dietary supplemental of LEO there were significant differences (p <0.05), for (hgb, mch and wbc). However, there were no significant differences for (rbc, mchc, plt, mcv, granules, lymphocyte and monocyte) of LEON treatment compared to the control (p < .05). Finally, there were significant differences for biological traits except Hepatosomatic index and Spleenosomatic index. Overall, our results interestingly demonstrated that the effect of supplemental dietary LEON had a positive and significant effect on some growth, hematological and biological traits of common carp.
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